by the members of The Six Tones or about the group
Better Life
A text by Henrik Frisk and Stefan Östersjö from the programme book for the Göteborg Art Biennal. Read more...
The unnecessary self
A text by Henrik Frisk published in the 2013 (Re)thinking Improvisation: Artistic explorations and conceptual writing. (Book and two CDs and one DVD, Frisk and S. Östersjö, eds.) The focus of the essay revolves around the understanding of the self in improvisation and interaction in the context of an artistic musical practice. The ambition is to further understand the meaning and impact of the self in this practice. The key agents are freedom, identity and originality.
Read the full text PDF: The Unnecessary Self
Longing for the Past: musical expression in an inter-cultural perspective
A text written by Nguyễn Thanh Thủy and Stefan Östersjö for "If I were a Drongo Bird", a book edited by Peter Berry and published by Lund University Press in 2012. Read More
Traditions in Transformation: the Function of Openness in the Interaction between Musicians
This text summarizes some results from the international artistic research project (re)thinking improvisation, headed by the Malmö Academy of Music. The subproject we represent involves the two authors of this text and a series of other performers from Vietnam and Sweden and is a study of the evolving work in the Vietnamese/ Swedish group The Six Tones. It draws on material from rehearsals, studio sessions and concert performances in which we were involved as musicians. Full text.
Inside/Outside: towards an expanded notion of musical gesture
This book chapter by Nguyễn Thanh Thủy and Stefan Östersjö was published in a book edited by Marilyn Myers and Oswaldo Glieca on Chamber Scholars Publishing in 2013. Link to publisher's website.